Authentication 和 authorization 经常被实现在同套 authentication system 中。
- Authentication 指认证,通常是用户用帐号名密码登录的过程
- Authorization 指授权,表示用户有无权限执行某操作,访问某资源等
- Note
- 我对 authorization 了解甚少。目前看 authentication 跟 authorization 的关联可能不大。后面考虑把这两块内容拆分。
- Register:
- Username and email validation
- Password strength requirement
- Email / username normalization
- Password hashing
- Reset password:
- Password of the user should be unusable
- Login:
- Throutte for login attempt
- Change / reset password:
- Invalidate existing sessions
- New password should not be the same as the old
- No request after a specific time (etc. 1 day)
- Invalidate session
- Believed that passwords of some user has been revealed / accounts stolen
- Batch reset passwords
- Authentication system implementation in Single-page Application