wemake.services 提供 技术审查 的服务。它审查的内容包含:架构审查、技术审查。
架构审查耗时一天,定价固定为 30000 卢布(折合 ¥3300),会输出这些内容:
- Will your system allow further changes?
- Will you be able to easily change the team in case you will need to? And do you really need to change it?
- Is the code quality acceptable? It may contain things that will make it impossible to continue the development of this project
- Is it easier to rewrite everything from scratch? Sometimes it is, but often it is not
技术审查耗时一天,定价为每个 bug 1000 卢布(折合人民币 110 元)。Bug 的定义为:
- Bad design decisions
- Something is not clear from the docs and the code itself (readability issues)
- Coding style issues (if there is no coding style in the project, then we use our own)
- Not following best-practices (defined by the documentation or the community)
- General errors
- Not creating project’s issues properly