Tiddlywiki 在设计哲学上,倾向于 tiddler 是短小的、易于组合的;但是以我的使用场景,tiddler 往往可能很长,并且存在层级。这时候需要一个 tiddler 内的 TOC 来方便梳理内容的脉络,并快速检索、跳转。
看过 Tiddlywiki 的 Google Group,似乎实现这种 TOC 并不容易(讨论 1 2)。但是我又发现一个曲线救国的办法。
有一个 Chrome 插件叫 Smart TOC,安装后可以在任意页面显示当前内容的 TOC。这样你用 Tiddlywiki 时也可以借助它实现 In tiddler TOC。
作者在 这里 提到了对于 TOC in Tiddler 的看法:
That implies making sections behave exactly like tiddlers. That's problematic because it means that all the behaviours we've built for using and manipulating tiddlers need to be re-engineered to work with sections. In some cases that's extremely tricky.For example, how would you make a location hash link to a section (eg http://example.com/#my-section-12)? There's no syntax within the location hash to identify the string as being a section name and not a tiddler title.Another example, to use the $list widget to list all sections of tiddlers tagged bar would require us to be able to process section names within filters. That implies that sections would need unique IDs - once again, making them meet the definition of a tiddler.Basically, TiddlyWiki is a mechanism for manipulating tiddlers. Everything about it is predicated on the idea of a tiddler as the smallest unit of content. Your requirements describe something else: a mechanism for manipulating sections of monolithic hierarchical documents.
他的说法值得参考,往往你在设计一个灵活的软件结构时,一开始打开的根基、一开始的设计会影响到后续的方方面面。比如在 Tiddlywiki 中,一个 Tiddler 应该是最小的有效信息单位;如果抛弃这个设定,那系统的一些其他设计会显得奇怪。这是作者不主张加一个 Section 概念的重要原因。